Last week it's the lights fittings, the power point and more painting.
However today I received a breaking news from Metricon. It would appear that the plumbing fit out has been completed and the next stages, which is the final stages, are to clean up the site and do final touch ups. Looks like the house maybe ready by Christmas after all...
This would only mean that we need to start organising for the flooring guy to come and do their measurement, blinds and shutters, fencing around the house, landscaping, etc etc. Still plenty to do but the main thing is to get the house ready for us to move in. Once we have the key of course...
So moving in is not until after the Christmas - New Year period.
Quite excited with the news but hopefully it's not like some other companies that I've dealt with over the past couple of weeks, N.A.T.O. (No Action Talk Only). Some companies nowadays are very good at that...
We'll most likely replace these after we move in and settled. |
Downlight package - Part of the promo |
Heat pack for all the bathroom. |